Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wven Actors can be drowned to jail!!!

Lindsay Lohan, a judge ordered on Tuesday to 90 days in jail, and an inpatient rehabilitation program for patients after the actress had not violated his probation in a drug in 2007 for visitors Education course on alcohol.
The outbreak of the actress to tears after the sentencing. Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel has made the decision after hearing the testimony of employees a treatment program for alcoholism, that Lohan had been ordered to appear. Lohan has lost seven classes since December, which led to difficult times, after the judge's complaint The "Mean Girls" star has apologized in tears.

"I was all that I said to do and have done my best to balance work and seem Lohan said the judge. "He was not on holiday, it was a joke." Revel says that he was a sincere apology from Lohan, it compares with "a person who thinks and Cheats is not cheating if you're not caught on. " Lohan was not immediately taken to the prison and was on 20 July go. It must be in possession of alcohol ankle monitor, until then. The County of Los Angeles spokeswoman Jane Robison said attorney that it was not unusual for judges to enable the accused to go at a later date so she can get her affairs in order.

The sentence was tripled prosecutors had requested a month in jail Lohan. We do not know how long it actually Lohan in jail. Los Angeles Sheriff's Office Steve Whitmore, a spokesman said that inmates convicted of nonviolent crimes to serve nearly oneQuarter of his sentence, but can still be reduced by loans of the state. Whitmore said that Lohan could be released under house arrest, but depends on the specific properties For Revel.

Lohan could jail in suburban Lynwood, where he was 84 minutes in 2007, after returning pleaded guilty to two crimes charges under the influence of cocaine and no contest two points of driving with a blood alcohol level of 0.08 percent and a number of ruthless . Question She was sentenced to four days behind bars. The same jail Paris Hilton for 23 days in 2007, host, after he convicted of driving Suspension of the license on probation in an alcohol, reckless driving cases. Whitmore said that while the burden is not just about non-violent prisoners 10 percent of her sentence. The department remains overcrowded and budgetary issues face He said. The judges spent several minutes Tuesday Revel details Lohan behavior since 2007 and notes The actress had repeatedly rejected the blame and excuses.

There were "a number of cases that do not take his show things seriously," said Revel imposed a series of strict conditions, news about the actress. Lohan now have a probation officer who will monitor their progress more. Lohan was Prior to informal probation and supervised by a judge. You must also complete hospital Rehabilitation. Revel revoked probation and ordered him to Lohan ankle monitoring of alcohol to Star missed a hearing date in May she was promoting a film in Cannes at the time, claiming his passport was stolen. The monitor has issued a warning after the actress attended the MTV Movie Awards and after-parties last month. Revel said that the device has a height of 0.03 blood alcohol content recorded at the time. Lohan Drinking denied that night.

Lohan attorney, Shawn Chapman Holley, called the judge back to the actress by training, will say it had learned its lesson and improved. Attorney Danette Meyers disagreed and requested a jail term for the star. Account "When the order to go every week, not take your attention," Meyers said in closing Statement. The reason for the year 2007 comes after a few arrests of high level this year. Lohan was sentenced three years probation, but had on a one-year extension in October after failing request Completed their training on alcohol over time.

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