Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pro Arctic Lasers are a new, high-powered gadget from Hong Kong-based company Wicked Lasers and they have Star Wars creator George Lucas in a fuss. He says the products look too much like the lightsabers from his films, and wants the lasers pulled from stores, according to CNN.

Pro Arctic Laser (CNN)

He is threatening legal action if they aren't removed, and wrote a letter to the company. "It is apparent from the design of the Pro Arctic Laser that it was intended to resemble the hilts of our lightsaber swords, which are protected by copyright," the later stated.

The CEO of Wicked Lasers says the claims that they're infringing on copyright aren't true. "Most people feel it's kind of ridiculous," he said. "We would never use any comparison like that to Star Wars or a lightsaber or anything like that."

He claims the company has been making similar products for years without complaint, and hopes the matter gets dropped. The company has not stopped selling or making the Pro Arctic Lasers as of now.

A couple weeks back we highlighted the Spyder III Pro Arctic laser from Wicked Lasers, a very powerful, very dangerous blue laser that happens to look a lot like a lightsaber. Guess what? LucasFilm isn’t terribly happy that anyone can order a $200 product that looks like a lightsaber and can easily damage fragile things, like people.

The description of the Spyder III Pro is probably best summarized by the warning issued by Wicked Lasers:

Warning: Extremely dangerous is an understatement to the power of 1W of laser power. It will blind permanently and instantly and set fire quickly to skin and other body parts, use with extreme caution and only when using the included eye protection. Customers will be required to completely read and agree to our Class IV Laser Hazard Acknowledgment Form.

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