Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Circle Lens

Why the girls go gaga for contact lenses that are wrong your eyes look like Japanese cartoon characters? The exaggerated style of the eyes has captured the imagination of fans of the pop star Lady Gaga. Unfortunately, it is also the attention of their optometrists.

Video Gaga hit "Bad Romance functions" the pop star, known for his flamboyant costumes and make-up of an unusually large eyes, like deer is known as in the comic-inspired Japanese anime found. In the video, the singers, the eyes of computer graphics have been improved, appears much larger than themselves.

In real life, their fans - especially teenagers and young girls - special contact lenses called circle lenses are used for this purpose in the eyes. While the method certainly outdated in a few months, the possibility of damage to the eyes of these young people to be permanent.

A problem of lenses - are illegal

These lenses are usually imported from Asia and the circle, despite their popularity are considered contraband by the authorities. In the United States is illegal to sell contact lenses, the cosmetic or corrective prescription. Some sites have offered the story pointed out that there are no contact lenses manufacturers to sell in the U.S. Circle these lenses.

Young women who decided to go gaga circle, these lenses can online for around $ 20 to $ 30 per pair purchased from strength to both prescription and for decorative purposes have. It is relatively easy for these fans to sites where glasses are sold because they are high up on YouTube videos and message boards. A website www.lenscircle.com, headquartered in Toronto, is a popular destination for girls who just viewed.

Those eyes ... Are Anime

Many trends in pop culture get their first job in Japan. These include fashion, technology, games and toys. The same part of the world that is our karaoke singers, the music, which decide, after one too many, who can sing folk songs, responsible for this trend, with large eyes. These lenses circle originally gained popularity in Japan, Singapore and South Korea, where it says "Ulzzang" which is best for "face Slang" and "darling." These circle lenses are now as common in these areas.

The circle of these lenses is characteristic of the Japanese-style manga comics and video art. Japanese were the first illustrators drawing anime-style gift to the world in 1917. The most famous Japanese artist Osamu Tezuka anime, and many of his early work was very popular in the 1960s.

Many Japanese anime and manga characters have big eyes and noted that Wikipedia Tezuka has been believed, the first artist to use this technique. Since I am a student-professed fan of American comics, which was inspired by the exaggerated features of American cartoon characters like Betty Boop, Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters Bambi.

Websites devoted to the history of the note found Tezuka anime that large eyes style of his figures clearly show emotions allowed. In his first cartoon designed specifically for young people, "Ribbon no Kishi" Tezuka further exaggerated the size of the eyes of the figures. Now, more characteristic of this work of art anime style eyes, especially for female characters.

1980 anime characters on American television popularity began to win. Many Japanese cartoons, with American voices, continue to enjoy popularity among a group of loyal fans. This type of art also has for products like collectible card games such as "Pokemon," "licensed Yu-Gi-Oh" and recently "Fullmetal Alchemist". These products and programs to millions of people every week, the billions of dollars in royalty income is achieved.

What is the problem

FAD are usually harmless. Mini skirts, tight jeans and even rock star haircuts inspired generally not the kind of noise, raise the circle lenses. This is because, in contrast to a shaggy hairstyle (looks like Justin Bieber), these goals can damage permanently the eyes of the user.

As these decorative contact lenses are prescribed and installed by a professional even though you do not deprive your eyes of oxygen and can cause severe visual impairment. These colored contact lenses - usually in the colors purple and pink - which includes not only the iris than regular lenses, but also to the eye.

Ultimately, the children will be children and parents will be parents. Opticians would be nice if he believed a solution that can better adapt and security circle lenses and manage the risk of this anime fashionistas. But a lesson can be learned that the other hit anime playground a few years ago - Pokemon. Teachers, principals and parents of the children absolutely forbidden to put the Pokemon cards to school. The cards are lost, tears flowed, the arrest was reported, but the enthusiasm is undiminished Pokemon continued in school until the children grew tired of the way and moved to something else.

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