Friday, July 9, 2010

Russia, U.S. swap 14 in Cold War-style spy exchange

Russia and the United States conducted the biggest spy swap since the Cold War on Friday, trading agents on the Vienna airport tarmac in an evocative climax to an espionage drama that had threatened improving ties.

Two aircraft -- one Russian, one American -- parked side by side for about 90 minutes. The agents changed places under the cover of gangways as waves of heat rose from the tarmac.

The Russian plane then took off, followed by the U.S. jet in an echo of Soviet-era spy trades across the Iron Curtain in Central Europe. Officials in Vienna, once a center of Cold War intrigue, maintained a news blackout.

The U.S. Justice Department said shortly after the takeoff that the exchange of 10 agents released by Washington and four freed by Moscow had been successfully completed.

The plane landed at Domodedovo airport outside Moscow a few hours later. Shielded from cameras, the Russians stepped off and were driven away in a convoy of SUVs, sedans and buses.

Later, a plane believed to be carrying Russians freed in the swap landed at Dulles airport outside Washington, CNN said. It was unclear how many of the four were on board.

The conclusion to the espionage drama was played out after spymasters brokered the deal on the instructions of presidents keen not to derail breakthroughs in Russian-U.S. relations.

In the first step of the carefully choreographed swap, the 10 Russian agents pleaded guilty on Thursday in a New York court to charges against them and were immediately deported.

Around midnight in Moscow, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree pardoning four Russians serving long prison terms in their homeland on charges of spying for the West. The Kremlin said he also pardoned 16 other convicts.

The spy scandal broke at an awkward time for U.S.-Russian ties, just days after U.S. President Barack Obama and Medvedev met in Washington last month.

U.S. and Russian lawmakers are considering ratification of a nuclear arms reduction treaty signed by the presidents in April, and Russia is counting on U.S. support for its bid to join the World Trade Organization -- sensitive cooperation neither side wants to jeopardize.

Medvedev is trying to present a warmer face to Western governments and investors concerned about problems with corruption, property rights, the rule of law and treatment of Kremlin critics in Russia.

Obama wants Russia on his side for efforts to rein in Iran's nuclear program, keep supply lines open to forces in Afghanistan and advance his goal of further nuclear arms cuts.

Shortly after taking office in January 2009, he initiated a "reset" in ties with the Kremlin, strained to breaking point by Russia's war with Georgia in 2008 after deteriorating during the administrations of George W. Bush and Vladimir Putin, now Russia's powerful prime minister.

Russia's Foreign Ministry said the swap "gives reason to expect that the course agreed on by the leaders of Russia and the U.S. will be consistently implemented in practice and that attempts to knock the parties off this course will not succeed."

But the exchange may add fuel to U.S. Republican accusations that Obama is too soft on Moscow. An 11th suspect disappeared after being granted bail following his arrest in Cyprus.


Relatives of the jailed Russians on both sides of the swap had waited anxiously in Russia for news of the exchange. All bar one of the 14 involved are Russian citizens.

Irina Kushchenko, the mother of one of those arrested in the United States, Anna Chapman, left her apartment building in southwestern Moscow. By Friday night, neither mother nor daughter had returned to the apartment.

Chapman was the star of the spy scandal, labeled a party-going "sexy redhead" by newspapers worldwide that splashed her picture across their pages.

Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service declined comment on details of the affair.

Moscow has always prided itself on bringing agents back home and Washington has agreed to swaps before.

The largest known Cold War spy swap was in 1985 when more than 20 spies were exchanged between East and West on the Glienicke Bridge in the then-divided city of Berlin.

Spymasters on both sides say that despite generally warmer relations, the two former Cold War foes still fund generous intelligence operations against each other.

The scandal broke when the United States said on June 28 it had uncovered a ring of suspected Russian agents who used false identities to gather intelligence on the United States.

FBI agents said the Russians had communicated with Moscow by concealing invisible text messages in photographs posted on public Internet sites. Some had met Russian diplomats from the U.S. mission in New York.

Russian diplomats said the timing of the announcement, just days after Obama and Medvedev's June 24 summit in Washington, could be an attempt by U.S. hard-liners to torpedo the so-called reset in ties that Obama has championed.

Igor Sutyagin, one of the four Russians sent westward on Friday, was sentenced to 15 years in prison in 2004 for passing information to a British firm prosecutors said was a CIA front. Supporters saw him as a political prisoner.

Sutyagin said the information was available from open sources and Kremlin critics said his conviction -- which cast a chill on Russian scientists -- was part of a crackdown on scholars with Western ties under Putin, president at the time.

Sutyagin's brother, Dmitry, told Reuters late on Friday that relatives had not heard from Sutyagin and did not know where he was. He said Sutyagin had been told as the swap was planned that he would be sent to London via Vienna.

A solar-powered plane landed Thursday morning in western Switzerland after staying in the air for 26 hours straight and successfully completing its first night flight.

The plane, part of the project Solar Impulse run by Swiss entrepreneur Bertrand Piccard, gathered enough solar energy at high altitudes during the daylight hours of the first half of the flight to power it through the night, according to the news agency SDA.

To enable the world's first solar-powered all-night trip, the pilot took the the light aircraft - with its expansive wingspan of 63.4 metres covered with solar panels - to 8,500 metres Wednesday and stored the sun's rays before descending to 1,500 metres for the night.

The pilot landed at the same airfield he used for takeoff near Payerne, in western Switzerland.

In April, the plane successfully completed its first daytime test flight.

By 2013, Piccard hopes his Solar Impulse will make it around the world and introduce an environmentally friendly form of air travel.

China group says US uses Facebook to sow unrest, AS

A Chinese government-backed think tank has accused the U.S. and other Western governments of using social networking sites like Facebook to spur political unrest and called for stepped-up scrutiny of the wildly popular sites. As China's online population the world's largest surges past the 400 million mark, its Communist government is growing increasingly sensitive to any online threats to its authority.

Although Beijing operates an extensive system of monitoring and censorship to block material deemed subversive, the Internet is still the most open and lively forum for discussion in a society where traditional media are controlled by the state. Twitter, for instance, has emerged as a gathering place for dissidents and other politically minded Chinese wanting to voice their complaints and share information.

Though the government routinely bans sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, technologically savvy users can easily jump China's "Great Firewall" with proxy servers or other alternatives. According to a report released this week by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the sites also harbor an external threat.

Social networking sites threaten state security because the U.S. and other Western countries are using them to foment instability, said the report, titled "Development of China's New Media." "We must pay attention to the potential risks and threats to state security as the popularity of social networking sites continues to grow," the report said.

"We must immediately step up supervision of social networking sites." It cited unnamed U.S. officials as saying that social networking is an "invaluable tool" for overthrowing foreign governments.

A comment by U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates that new communication technology is a "huge strategic asset" was also given as an example of the U.S. threat. The report noted how Facebook and other social networking sites were used as tools of "political subversion" in the mass protests following the Iranian elections last year.

They also played a role in the violence in China's far-western region of Xinjiang last summer that left some 200 people dead, the report said, noting some online groups overseas had issued calls for independence for the traditionally Muslim area. A spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in Beijing declined to comment on the specifics of the report because he had not seen it, but said the U.S. viewed freedom of expression as a "universal human right.

" "For us, it's an issue of Internet freedom and we're strongly committed to Internet freedom and oppose all forms of censorship," spokesman Richard Buangan said. Facebook, based in Palo Alto, California, did not immediately respond to an out-of-hours e-mail seeking comment.

Most of the overwhelmingly young Chinese Internet users go online just to chat, play games, listen to music and shop. Government-approved Chinese substitutes for banned sites are readily available: Kaixinwang and Renren instead of Facebook, for example.

But China remains so sensitive to potential threats posed by the Internet that it recently issued a directive banning its troops from having blogs or personal websites, as well as visiting Internet cafes or online dating sites. Military experts said the steps were necessary to avoid compromising security.

Lindsay Lohan turns to Buddhism for peace in jail

Lindsay Lohan turns to Buddhism for peace in jailTroubled star Lindsay Lohan has turned to Buddhism in a bid to get her through the period behind the bars. The 24-year-old actress who has been sentenced to 90 days in prison for violating the probation terms of her 2007 drugs and alcohol case, has decided to seek solace in the religion in a bid to conquer her demons, Daily Star reported online.

"Lindsay''s been fascinated in the Buddhist faith for a while as several of her inner circle follow the teachings of Buddhism. Lindsay''s devastated about the jail sentence and has been crying non-stop.

She''s been told to seek spiritual guidance and find her inner peace," a source said. "She''s decided to study the art of meditation so she can stay calm through breathing techniques while she''s in jail," the source added.

The ''Mean Girls'' star is not the only A-lister to seek peace in Buddhism at a time of need and despair as wayward comedian Russell Brand, too did the same. Other Hollywood celebrities who follow Buddhism are Orlando Bloom, Keanu Reeves, and Jennifer Lopez.

Mueller could crown remarkable season with award

Germany striker Thomas Mueller could crown an "unbelievable" first season in top flight football with the World Cup's young player of the tournament award after he was picked as one of three candidates.

"I was just told on the way here and it is a great honour to be selected as one of the nominees," the 20-year-old Bayern Munich striker told reporters on Friday. "It is a wonderful recognition of your work."

The other two are Ghana's Dede Ayew and Mexico's Giovani Dos Santos.

Mueller has scored four goals in his first World Cup, grabbing a starting spot for Germany throughout the tournament after winning his first cap as recently as March.

He could add to this goal tally in Germany's third place playoff against Uruguay on Saturday in Port Elizabeth after missing their 1-0 semi-final defeat to Spain through suspension.

Only 15 months ago Mueller was playing third division football with the Bayern reserves.

But in his first full season with Bayern, Mueller was instrumental in helping them win the domestic league and Cup double as well as play in their losing Champions League final against Inter Milan.

He then immediately joined the Germany squad at their training camp in Italy before flying to South Africa.


Franz Beckenbauer in 1966 and Lukas Podolski in 2006 are the only other two German players to have won this award, the German soccer federation said.

"It is quite unbelievable because a lot has happened in the past season. But to be honest I would have preferred winning the World Cup than win this award," Mueller said.

The versatile striker missed his biggest game to date when he was suspended from the semi-final and had to watch his teammates lose to Spain from the sidelines.

Mueller said he was now looking forward to some much-deserved rest before the Bundesliga kicks off next month.

"I am really looking forward to the three weeks being away from it all. I will go home, enjoy the three weeks of holidays.

"I need this peace and being away from everything after such a long season," he said.

Spanish PM offers state protection to 'Octopus Paul' after death threats!

Spanish Prime Minister Jose Zapatero has jokingly offered state protection for Paul, the psychic octopus, who has received death threats from German fans over his World Cup predictions.

Paul, from Aquarium Sea Life Centre in Oberhausen, Germany, had predicted the outcome of all six of Germany's matches, including the 1-0 semi-final loss to Spain, by choosing to eat food from boxes adorned with the flags of Germany and its rivals.

Now Spain's politicians are worried that some German fans may take their "revenge" on the octopus for their team's exit.

"I am concerned for the octopus ... I am thinking of sending him a protective team," quoted Zapatero, as saying.

Spanish Environment and Fisheries Minister, Elena Espinosa, suggested a moratorium on going after Paul.

"On Monday, I shall be at the European Council of Ministers and I shall be asking for a [fishing] ban on Paul the octopus so the Germans do not eat him," Elena said.

The threat to Paul's life has escalated after some sections of the German fans were spotted singing anti-octopus songs.

According to a local newspaper, there have been "a host of comments on Facebook, Twitter ... suggesting Paul should be fried, barbecued or turned into a seafood salad or paella".

"Others wanted to throw him into the shark tank," the paper added.

Major predictions, which came true in this World Cup, have been in the Germany-England Round of 16 clash and Germany-Argentina quarterfinal game. Paul had chosen Germany's flag on both the occasions.

If the eight-limbed oracle survives the threats, fans would be thinking twice about dismissing his advice in future.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Pro 8 on Internet

Pro 8 on Internet:
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Pro 8 News NBC affiliate. Includes local headlines and weather, staff, and job opportunities. Source
Pro 8 – News, Weather, Sports – Laredo, Texas Over a hundred local horse riders woke up early to take a 14 mile journey across the streets of laredo this Fourth of July. It was all part of the 32nd Annual Webb County Fourth … Source
Pro 8 – News, Weather, Sports – Laredo, Texas … KGNS-TV News (1962-1966) 24 Hours (1966-1974) NewsCenter 8 (1974-1982) Channel 8 News (1982-1998) Pro 8 News (1998-present) Station slogans. Coverage You Can Count On (1998-present) Source

We've seen the widespread devastation of communities along the Rio Grande's riverbanks, but tonight we take you inside a Laredo home submerged in over two feet of water.

Our Patrick Nelson trudged through the home's flood waters with the family; Pro 8 News has the exclusive.

In west Laredo family and friends gather at the flood water's edge hoping to salvage what is left of their neighborhood.
Men and young boys trek through the murky water, battling the current to grab any belongings they can. Although residents knew the flood was coming, they were still in disbelief.

Officials say they don't expect the river to climb any further, but many residents in west Laredo will need to find shelter somewhere else this weekend. Water levels will continue to flood their home for the next several days.

Los Martinez Dr. remains on the mandatory evacuation list tonight. Local authorities are asking anyone living in the area to seek shelter elsewhere.

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Wonderlic Announces Online Certification of Independent Test Administrators ability to benefit (ATB) Tests

JaMarcus Russell deserves a second chance on the first success in the NFL, Life

I watched him get the Greek this week, and although it was not exactly The English Patient, a line from the movie stuck with me. For those who dont know, is the premise of the movie that Aaron Greene (Jonah Hill) is charged by P. Diddy (who plays a fictional version of himself named Sergio) to escort Aldous Snow (Russell Brand, aka the future Mr. Katy Perry) from London to Los Angeles. Snow (Russell Brand, aka the future Mr. Katy Perry) from London to Los Angeles.

Snow, a recurring character from the Judd Apatow movies, has descended into a life of addiction and debauchery after his album "African Child" failed miserably and his longtime girlfriend, and mother of his son, left him.

In a candid moment, Hill’s character asks Snow why he is a drug addict, to which he responds something like this: "I could have all sorts of problems -- my career, my love life, my child, or I could just worry about drugs." Eventually though, the movie ends happily, with Snow getting his life back on track and being sober.

Somehow, the whole thing reminded me a lot of JaMarcus Russell, a young man whose life went drastically downhill after great potential and stardom turned into disappointment and mockery. Maybe, just maybe, Russell’s story can similarly have a good ending.

People wonder if JaMarcus Russell deserves a second chance after his arrest for possession of codeine, but I think there may be another question altogether: Did he ever have a first one?

There seems to exist some notion that Russell is an idiot, incapable of learning NFL offenses and defenses. How can you say this though when Tim Tebow, a so-called "intelligent" quarterback, scored a 22 on the Wonderlic test while Russell scored a 24?

Oakland taking the LSU quarterback with the first overall pick in 2007 wasn’t remotely controversial like their Darrius Heyward-Bey move. Russell was the consensus No. 1, lauded by GMs around the league as the next Big Ben or Daunte Culpepper.

But it was Oakland who took him.

Back in 2007, the inexperienced Lane Kiffin had just been hired by the Raiders, and although he did not want Russell, Al Davis insisted on drafting the talented arm. Russell held out and didn’t get to Raiders camp until September, but how much of the blame can you really pin on Russell for this?

Negotiating with Al Davis, as we all know, can be a nonsensical experience at times, and how often do we see young drafted players advised by the wrong people? Sure, Russell shouldn’t have held out, but this wasn’t the dagger in the heart of his career.

The Raiders were.

First of all, what was the best that the Raiders have ever ranked in the NFL in pass protection since Russell entered the league in 2007? According to Football Outsiders, the answer is 27th in Russell’s first year, with rankings of 30 and 31 thereafter.

And what about weapons to throw to? The only receiver that Russell ever had who was "above replacement value," according to Football Outsiders, was Ronald Curry in 2007, and Russell didn’t even play until Week 12 of that year. Basically, the Raiders’ No. 1 receivers were as good as the average team’s third receiver during the quarterback’s tenure in Oakland. While the Raiders’ running game has been strong, it hasn’t been efficient, and Darren McFadden didn’t take pressure off Russell as Raiders fans had hoped.

Then, there’s the issue of coaching. Lane Kiffin made it very clear that he never wanted JaMarcus Russell, creating tension with Al Davis and discouraging the young talent. Tom Cable replaced Kiffin, and while a minor upgrade, hasn’t exactly set good examples or encouraged discipline.

Oftentimes, you see teams pair veteran quarterbacks with rookies so that a student-teacher type relationship can form, and the elder can mentor the immature youth. The Raiders, though, never had anybody better than Josh McCown for that role -- not exactly Brett Favre teaching Aaron Rodgers.

Nobody in the organization was available to help Russell grow.

And Raiders culture? As you can see from the “Black Hole” and Ice Cube’s documentary Straight Out of L.A., it even somewhat celebrates outlaw behavior. So should anybody really be surprised that Russell’s career took an Aldous Snow-type turn? Russell barely had a chance to the contrary. Weathly and immature, he was doomed to failure by his organization.

It’s easy to make fun of Jamarcus Russell for his "purple drank" binge. It’s not only a criminal act, but a ridiculous one.

It’s a lot harder to think about why all this happened, and to not immediately call the guy the new Ryan Leaf. The reaction of the fans and media to the Russell arrest has almost been one of excitement, as though people are enjoying his mistakes and failures, and frankly, that’s wrong.

The only person Russell has ever hurt has been himself, and the Raiders gave him every opportunity to do exactly that.

But maybe he could even grow up because of all of this.

So who should take a chance on the former top pick? How about the Vikings? They need a quarterback of the future, have great talent on the offensive line and at the skill positions, and have an old man from Dixie who could probably teach Russell a couple of things.

In Minnesota, Jamarcus Russell finally could have his first chance to succeed, on and off the field.

Fantasy Analysis:

Bradford scored a 36 on the Wonderlic test during the gauntlet of pre-draft assessments this spring, so rest assured, he is no dummy. The Oklahoma native and ex-Sooner star is already savvy beyond his years, and likely has a better read on his contract status than he is letting on. With three weeks left still until the start of Rams training camp, and a starting job that appears ripe for the taking when he gets there, Bradford is a good bet to be in the fold when organized team activities begin again on July 28th. With A.J. Feeley as his only real (for lack of a better adjective) competition on the St. Louis roster, it is just a matter of time before Bradford assumes the throne anointed to him when the franchise made his the first name called by Roger Goodell at April's draft. With pinpoint accuracy and a "good enough" arm, Bradford's long-term fantasy prospects are bright. St. Louis is likely to be selecting at or near the top of the next few drafts, where they will have the opportunity to acquire a few more elite offensive talents to piece together around their franchise signal-caller. However, the 2008 Heisman-winner will likely take his share of lumps during his upcoming inaugural professional campaign, and subsequently represents only a desperate bye-week fill-in option for fantasy owners this season. But, looking beyond 2010, Bradford has the intelligence, guile, and sufficient physical tools to be a fantasy force a few years down the line

leicester stovell

Leicester Stovell: Still Wish You Had Lebron’s Problems

Many NBA fans are lying in wait on the big decision from LeBron about where he plans to play next season. However, he isn’t as lucky as everyone seems to think. As if it wasn’t hard enough on LeBron to find out that his mother was courting one of his teammates, now this. Leicester Stovell says he is LeBron’s father and even filed a lawsuit in reference to a paternity test.

Definitely one of the craziest turn of events involving LeBron happens to revolve around his DNA. Leicester Stovell says LeBron is his son and that the DNA that would have proved it was altered. Most paternity tests that end up in a lawsuit or have any hint of evidence tampering aren’t exactly like this. The only thing Stovell stands to gain from this suit, other than maybe 4 million unwarranted dollars that he thinks he is due, is to prove that LeBron’s ability to project the image of a “successful fatherless child from the projects” is fake.

However, even if he is LeBron’s father, that doesn’t negate how LeBron was raised or when and where for that matter. Indeed, if the chain of events went according to Leicester Stovell’s story, he had unprotected sex with Gloria James when she was 15 and he was 29. When she reported to him that she was pregnant, he indicates that he told her that if the kid was indeed his, then she needed to make sure that she let him play basketball. After twenty years or so, Stovell says that he thinks the DNA test that would have proved he was LeBron’s father was altered to maintain LeBron’s resemblance to Spike Lee’s popular 1998 sports drama film, “He Got Game.”

LeBron James rumors are running rampant around today...will LeBron play for the Cleveland Cavaliers, New York Knicks, or Miami Heat? LeBron James is the center of attention on the day that he will announce where he intends to continue his basketball career.

The one rumor nobody expected was the rumor that his mother manipulated DNA tests that would have proven Leicester Bryce Stovell is the father of LeBron James. According to TMZ Stovell filed a lawsuit against LeBron James and his mother Gloria James. Stoval claims that he had unprotected sex with Gloria James back in 1984 on the day they met. Stoval, 29-years-old at the time, later found out that Gloria was only 15-years-old. Stovall is a Princeton graduate who became Senior Legal Advisor for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Where will LeBron play? Do you think Leicester Bryce Stovell is LeBron's father? Why wait till this moment to file a lawsuit?

Virgin America’s 7-hour Discounts starting at ONLY $33!‎

Virgin America’s 7 hour discount is getting huge buzz for the great deals they are offering travelers. The airline was recently awarded as the Best Domestic Airline by Travel + Leisure Annual World’s Best Awards readers’ survey.

The airline was thrilled that they won the award. In response to the news, Virgin America is offering a 7 hour massive discount on air fare. The official name of the sale is “Three Peat” because the company won this same award for three consecutive years. This is their way of thanking their customers for choosing their airline over others.

The sale began on July 8th, 2010 at 10:01 a.m. PDT, and is set to end at 4:59 p.m. PDT. The time of the sale is very short so it’s important to get your tickets booked within the time frame.

All flights using the deal must take place between Aug. 25th and Oct. 06, 2010. For shorter flights, the rate will start at $33, and for longer flights the rate will be starting at $113. For those planning a summer vacation, this is the perfect time to get your traveling plans made now, and for a great deal.

More fall airfare sales: Virgin America and AirTran have limited-time offers


Did I say I love autumn airfare sales? I wrote about Southwest Airlines’ fall airfare deals and how easily you can pair them with festivals to ratchet up the fun factor. Now Virgin America and AirTran Airways are touting discounted fares to selected cities through November. So find your own reason to go — and make a reservation before these offers expire.

Virgin America: Fly on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and buy 14 days in advance to get the lowest fares. Sample one-way pretax fares from Los Angeles include $59 to San Francisco; $99 to Seattle; $129 to Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and Washington, D.C; and $149 to Boston and New York.

When: Buy your ticket by 11:59 p.m. PDT July 12 for travel between Aug. 25 and Nov. 17. Blackout dates are Sept. 3 and 6.

Contact: Virgin America, (877) 359-8474

AirTran Airways: Fly on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays and buy 10 days in advance to get the lowest fares. The fare sale sounds a lot like one offered at the end of June, but with fewer blackout dates. The pretax prices and destinations from Los Angeles are the same: $124 to Atlanta, $129 to Baltimore and $114 to Milwaukee.

When: Buy your ticket by 8:59 p.m. PDT Thursday for travel through Nov. 16. Blackout dates are July 25 and Aug. 1.

Contact: AirTran Airways, (800) 247-872

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Greenwich CT

According to Fear The Sword, the one-hour, live ESPN show tomorrow night will take place from Greenwich, CT – some 40 miles outside New York City, and relatively close to the Knicks practice facility.

How that fits in to LeBron’s decision is anyone’s guess -

This has to be especially concerning since LeBron has gone out of his way in the past to make Akron, his hometown, the focal point of huge events in his life – specifically his two MVP Award press conferences. LeBron also held his free agent meetings in Cleveland – in the offices of his marketing firm LRMR. It goes without saying that LeBron leaving his element to make such a big announcement is a bit of a surprise.

Grim Sleeper Suspect caught

For well over two decades, the killer had eluded police. His victims, most of them prostitutes in South Los Angeles, had lived on the margins of society, and their deaths left few useful clues aside from the DNA of the man who had sexually assaulted them in the moments before their death.

Over 25 years, the “Grim Sleeper” killed 10 people. Now, police have the man they believe to be responsible for the serial killings in custody. Lonnie Franklin Jr. was arrested today, after new DNA evidence linked him to the “Grim Sleeper” murders.

Franklin Jr., 57, is being charged with 10 counts of murder and one count of attempted murder. The Associated Press reports that if Franklin Jr. is convicted, he will be eligible to receive the death penalty.

The killings, which mainly involved black women who were linked to drug addition or prostitution, occurred between 1985 and 2007.

The arrest occurred after Franklin Jr.’s son was arrested and swabbed for DNA. Police used a new DNA technique, called familial DNA search, to link Franklin Jr. to the “Grim Sleeper” killings.

District Attorney Steve Cooley said that this is the first time that the familial DNA technique has been used successfully in California.

A sweep of state prisons in 2008 failed to come up with the killer or anyone related to him. Then, last Wednesday, came startling news: A second "familial search" of prisons had come up with the identity of a convict whose DNA indicated that he was a close relative of the serial killer suspected of killing at least 10 women and one man.

Working through the Fourth of July weekend, LAPD detectives drew up a family tree of the man, then began analyzing all the men on it. Were they the right age? Did they live near the murder scenes? Was there anything in their background to explain why the serial killer had apparently stopped killing for 13 years, then resumed in 2003?

From that painstaking process, according to LAPD officials who requested anonymity, one man, the prisoner's father, emerged as a likely suspect. A team of undercover officers was sent to follow him, and they came up with evidence, in the form of a discarded slice of pizza, by which to analyze his DNA. On Tuesday, they confirmed that the DNA matched that of the suspect in the serial killing rampage.

On Wednesday morning, one week after the DNA match of the state prisoner, police turned up at the South L.A. home of Lonnie David Franklin Jr., 57, and arrested him without incident, authorities said.

Prosecutors later charged him with 10 counts of murder and one count of attempted murder, apparently stemming from the assault on the only victim who is known to have survived.

As word of the arrest spread across South Los Angeles, a contradictory picture of Franklin emerged.

Franklin was a garage attendant at the LAPD's 77th Street Division station in the early 1980s, according to sources. He worked as a garbage collector for the Los Angeles Department of Sanitation during the years that the first eight killings occurred, beginning with the death of Debra Jackson, 29, on Aug. 10, 1985, and ending with the death of Alicia "Monique" Alexander, 18, on Sept. 11, 1988.

Franklin has at least three prior convictions, two for felony possession of stolen property in 1993 and 2003, one for misdemeanor battery in 1997, and one for misdemeanor assault in 1999, according to court records. He was sentenced to a year in jail for the first stolen property charge and 270 days for the second one.

On a tidy street of single-family homes in South Los Angeles where Franklin lived for decades, residents described him as a kind and compassionate neighbor who volunteered in the community, helped elderly residents of the block and fixed their cars for free.

"A very good man. His daughter just graduated from college, I believe," said Eric Robinson, 47. "He's a good mechanic, worked out of his garage. I've been here since 1976 — that's how long I've known him. I'm not pretty shocked, I'm all the way shocked."

Dante Combs, 27, said he visited Franklin last week to ask him to install a timing belt on his car.

"You needed your car fixed, he'd do it dirt cheap. He'd help you out however he could, cut your grass, put up your Christmas lights," Combs said as he stood behind the yellow crime tape that sealed off Franklin's block. "He helped all the elderly on the block."

"As far as I know, he couldn't be this man," Combs added. "Then again, you never really know a man."

But in the afternoon, family of Grim Sleeper victims began arriving on the block. Many of the killings occurred not far from Franklin's home, and the family members said they needed to come to his home to bear witness.

"She was found on Western and 92nd, in a dumpster," Diane McQueen, 55, said as she stood behind the crime tape, clutching a funeral program for Janecia Peters, the last victim attributed to the serial killer. "It hit my family real hard. I had lost hope this day would come. I feel a lot of joy it did at last."

"I wanted to see what his house looked like, what his neighborhood looked like, the place where he grew up," Donnell Alexander, 47, brother of victim Alicia "Monique" Alexander. " It was curiosity. What I found was that it wasn't far from where I grew up. His neighbors looked like the people I see every day. They weren't aliens. And he wasn't hiding in the community. "

In announcing the arrests, Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley praised the LAPD and the California Department of Justice, which carried out the DNA "familial search" after Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown approved the use of the relatively new tool.

Only California and Colorado have formal policies that permit the use of software to look for DNA profiles of possible relatives of a suspect.

Lonnie David Franklin Jr., 51, was arrested today in connection with the killings of at least 10 young women. The victims were all black and most were drug addicts or prostitutes who were also sexually assaulted.

We never gave up on this investigation, not for one minute," said LAPD Chief Charlie Beck. "Our detectives worked relentlessly following up on every lead they received.

Their hard work has resulted in today’s apprehension of this vicious killer. I am hopeful that the hard work of these men and women will bring some closure to the families who tragically lost loved ones during the last 23 years.”

Germany's 'Octopus oracle' keeps perfect record

It will not come as much of a consolation to heartbroken German fans, but at least Paul, Germany's now world-famous "Octopus oracle", has maintained his perfect record.

The "psychic" creature has correctly predicted all six of Germany's FIFA World Cup™ games and, amid excruciating drama broadcast live on national television on Tuesday, plumped for Spain, causing anguish up and down the country. And the eight-legged soccer soothsayer was spot on Wednesday, as Carles Puyol's semi-final header shattered Germany's dreams of winning their fourth world crown.

Two plastic boxes, one with a German flag and one with a Spanish, were lowered into Paul's tank at an aquarium in western Germany, each with a tasty morsel of food inside. The box which Paul opens first is adjudged to be his predicted winner. But with classic fickleness, German fans turned against their beloved octopus after he forecast a Spanish win.

According to 'Der Western' daily paper, there have been "a host of comments on Facebook, Twitter... suggesting Paul should be fried, barbecued or turned into a seafood salad or paella". "Others wanted to throw him into the shark tank," the paper reported on its website. And on Berlin's fan mile, some sections of the crowd also turned against their former hero. Anti-octopus songs were sung.

Sea Life Aquarium in Oberhausen, Germany, has been using an octopus named Paul to pick the winners of Germany's soccer games since the European Championships two years ago. Paul's keeper, Oliver Walenciak, puts two glass jars in his aquarium, one with the German flag, one with the opposing team's flag, and mussles in both jars. Whichever jar Paul eats from is the predicted winner. Paul correctly chose Spain over Germany to win in the semifinals.

wells fargo financial

Wells Fargo said Wednesday that it will eliminate 3,800 jobs, cease origination of subprime loans and close more than 600 offices, a reminder that employment ailments and financial woes still hound the economy.

San Francisco-based Wells Fargo will close its 638 Wells Fargo Financial stores. The 6,600 bank branches will not be affected by the massive restructuring of the company's consumer finance division. The job cuts could include hundreds in California and dozens in the Bay Area.

"The economics of a separate Wells Fargo Financial channel are no longer viable," said David Kvamme, president of Wells Fargo Financial. "Our customers have access to the largest banking and mortgage store network in the United States."

The bank operates 74 Wells Fargo Financial branches in California, according to information from the company's website.

Of those, 11 are in the Bay Area, the bank's website shows. The local Wells Fargo Financial stores are in Fremont, Concord, Pleasanton, San Leandro, San Pablo, San Jose, Sunnyvale, Gilroy, San Francisco, Santa Rosa and Fairfield.

The job cuts could total about 435 in California and 65 in the Bay Area — if the staff reductions mirror the proportion of Wells Fargo stores in the state and region.

Wells Fargo on Wednesday did not provide any specific information about the local effect of the employment reductions.

One analyst was not surprised that Wells Fargo is ending subprime loan originations. The primary surprise is that it took so long, said Marian Kessler, analyst and portfolio manager with Portland, Ore.-based Becker Capital Management.

"It's like locking the barn after the horse has gotten out," Kessler said. "Better late than never."

During the height of the housing bubble, subprime loans typically were provided to borrowers with blemishes on their credit or income that was less than robust.

Failures for these kinds of loans ushered in the nation's worst financial crisis in decades.

"Banks are finally getting an understanding of properly understanding the underwriting that's needed to provide credit to people," Kessler said.

About 2,800 of the jobs involved will be eliminated during the next two months. Another 1,000 jobs will be cut over the next 12 months.

"We know that this decision will be extremely difficult for those dedicated team members and their families who will be affected," said Kvamme, the Wells Fargo Financial president.

Wells Fargo Financial has about 14,000 employees. So the job cuts amount to 27 percent of the organization's total workforce. Wells Fargo had 267,400 employees at the end of the first quarter.

"That's a big chunk of their consumer finance unit," Kessler said. "That's a pretty substantial job loss."

The remaining employees will be transferred to other business units within Wells Fargo, the company said.

"We have already identified positions for thousands of our employees and are committed to finding new positions for as many impacted team members as possible," Kvamme said.

The downsizing was an inevitable consequence of the collapse of the mortgage bubble — and an era of easy money and loose lending rules, analysts said.

"Wells Fargo wasn't alone in providing subprime loans. Every bank was like that, the whole group did it," Kessler said. "Unfortunately, a lot of these jobs were created out of a belief the credit cycle would last ad infinitum."

Wells Fargo & Co. /quotes/comstock/13*!wfc/quotes/nls/wfc (WFC 26.66, +1.51, +6.00%) said late Wednesday it is restructuring its Wells Fargo Financial division, including closing 638 Wells Fargo Financial stores in the U.S. As part of the consolidation, Wells Fargo plans to eliminate a total of 3,800 positions. The financial firm will also incur 2 cents a share in the second quarter for severance costs with remaining charges to be reflected mostly in the third quarter.

msg stock

LOS ANGELES — Wall Street's bulls are betting that LeBron James ends up playing basketball in New York, not Chicago.

Despite President Obama's hope that the NBA free agent will leave his native Ohio for the Windy City, traders are betting that the superstar will announce on Thursday that he's leaving the Cleveland Cavaliers to play for the New York Knicks.

Shares in Madison Square Garden Inc., the owners of the Knicks, jumped $1.30, or 6.4 percent, to close at $21.57 Wednesday, adding 3 cents in extended trading. Volume was up dramatically at 1.7 million trades, more than five times the daily average of 311,000.

The basketball star is set to announce his decision during a one-hour special on ESPN at 9 p.m. Thursday.

James' potential arrival in New York would boost the value of the franchise by "hundreds of millions of dollars," said Gabelli & Co. analyst Christopher Marangi.

The team could see about 10 percent more revenue, while the MSG network could get 10 percent more advertising revenue, he said.

"Would landing LeBron add to the economic value of the enterprise? The answer to that is unequivocally yes," he said. "The second question is what are the Knicks' chances of actually getting him? The market is saying it thinks better of the chances today than it did yesterday or before the weekend."

Adding to the speculative chess board was Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh's announcements Wednesday that they would play for the Miami Heat.

Marangi said those decisions instantly made Chicago a less attractive option for James while Miami's chances of winning the NBA Finals would go up dramatically with all three stars on the team.

But the Knicks entered the free agency shopping spree with the most salary cap room in the league with $34.1 million — enough for two players earning the maximum salary. After the team's acquisition of Amare Stoudemire from Phoenix, it still had $17 million to spend on James.

An ESPN executive says James will announce his future NBA plans within the first 10 minutes of Thursday night's hourlong broadcast, hosted by Jim Gray.

ESPN says Gray and James will be in one location. A person familiar with the plans, however, tells The Associated Press the interview will take place at the Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich, Conn.

The broadcast also will include a long-form interview with ESPN personality Mike Wilbon and others via satellite from ESPN's studios in Bristol, Conn.

As we noted last night, we really think LeBron is going to stay a Cav.

But that's pure speculation based on nothing, except the fact that it's hard to imagine him doing a one-hour special about how he's a sellout.

But this is interesting.

Darren Rovell at CNBC:

As of 2:45 p.m., shares of Madison Square Garden Inc., which includes the Knicks and the MSG Network, were up 1.21 percent to $20.51, but the bigger story was in the options pits.

There’s been twice as many contracts sold to people betting that MSG stock will rise to $22.50 by the end of the month as compared to people betting it will fall to $20 by July’s end.

“There’s absolutely no justification for this activity other than the LeBron James play,” said Jon Najarian, co-founder of Trade Monster and a CNBC contributor. “People will most likely continue to speculate into tomorrow’s announcement.”

Meanwhile, at InTrade, the odds that LeBron stays a Cavalier has plummeted back to 50%. Is anyone trading shares of MSG and the Intrade contracts together as some kind of pair trade?

Philadelphia Duck Boat Overturns; Dozens Rescued

A frantic seach was under way in the Delaware River in Philadelphia today after a barge plowed into a tourist boat carrying 37 people, overturning the boat, authorities said.

At least two passengers were unaccounted for, and six people were taken to hospitals with minor injuries. Police said described the missing as a 16-year-old female and a 20-year-old male.

There were 37 people on the so-called "duck boat," an amphibious vehicle, when it collided with the passing barge at about 2:30 p.m. near Penn's Landing, Coast Guard Officer Crystal Kneen said.

"We do not know why these two vehicles collided," Mayor Michael Nutter told reporters at the scene. The National Transportation Safety Board was investigating. But Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey said the tour boat entered the water about 2:30 p.m. just south of Ben Franklin Bridge and experienced "mechanical difficulties." A fire started on board and its engine shut down.

Three people have been indicted in New York in connection with a failed plot to set off bombs in the subway system last year. The government says the plan was part of a larger al-Qaida conspiracy that included a similar attack planned in England.

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Officials say there was a fire aboard a duck boat that was struck by a barge in the Delaware River off Philadelphia today. The boat overturned, and the Coast Guard says 37 people were forced into the water. Two of the passengers are missing.

FREMONT, Ohio (AP) — Authorities in northern Ohio say one worker has died in a roof collapse at a sauerkraut factory in the town of Fremont. Police say two people were taken to hospitals. One person remains trapped in the building.

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Los Angeles police have arrested a suspected serial killer. Lonnie Franklin Jr. is charged with kill eleven people between 1985 and 2007. The victims were young black women and one man. The attacker was called the "Grim Sleeper" because of an apparent 14-year hiatus from the crimes.

NEW YORK (AP) — A fourth-day of record-breaking heat has many of the Eastern Seaboard suffering. Triple-digit highs are being recorded from New York to North Carolina. In New York, where many buildings were constructed before climate control, the mercury has once again hit the 100 degree mark.

Russian spy babe's hot affair: Anna Chapman was kinky and 'great in bed,' says ex husband Alex

She may have been a true Cold Warrior, but Anya Kushchenko is red-hot in the sheets.

The flame-haired Russian hottie accused of being a deep-cover mole in the U.S. was a wild woman in the sack, her ex-hubby says.

"Anya was great in bed and she knew exactly what to do," said Alex Chapman, who married the then-Anya Kushchenko in 2002. "The sex was great and she had this incredible body."

Chapman told the British newspaper News of the World that he met the stunning spook at a rave in England in 2001 and immediately fell in love.

"I hadn't met anybody like her before," he said. "I was infatuated with her."

They began a torrid affair, which Alex Chapman says quickly veered into kinky territory.

The randy Russian had a penchant for whips and nipple clamps and once joined him in a mile-high sex romp aboard a Moscow-bound flight, he said.

"I found her Russian accent such a turn-on," said the 30-year-old psychologist trainee. "We were having so much fun. We also experimented with sex toys."

He said he's not surprised his former flame was accused of spying for Mother Russia, as she always had a deep love for James Bond films.

"If she is a spy then she's fallen into it because of the glitz and the glamor of it all," he said. "She used her looks to get noticed."

Through her lawyer, Anna Chapman, 28, says she is deeply "embarrassed" by photos of her gallivanting around the U.S. that made her the face of the alleged spy ring even though she is considered a minor player.

Alex Chapman says his ex wasn't always so flashy.

For the first few years of marriage, he said, they lived a "carefree" bohemian life in London, where she worked at banks.

But there was always a sinister side. Chapman says his bride told him that her father, Vasily Kushchenko, 53, was a senior KGB agent.

"Her dad was scary. He was very concerned about which direction my life was going, how I was going to 'earn my money,'" Chapman told London's Daily Telegraph.

After a few years of marriage, Anna Chapman began palling around more with well-connected Russian friends and grew increasingly secretive, Alex said.

"She fell in with a group of people who had a lot of influence. She would go to film premieres and became arrogant and obnoxious, always going on about powerful people she was meeting," he said.

By 2006, they had grown apart and had divorced, but she kept his name, and the two remained friends.

He said she later regaled him with tales of dating rich and powerful men who helped whisk her to the Big Apple, where she began a real estate business that became successful suspiciously quickly.

"Clearly a lot of money had been pumped into the business from somewhere, but I couldn't work it out," he said.

Anna Chapman is charged with attempting to gain entree into American political circles and send reports on their inner thinking back to Moscow.

She has been held without bail since being arrested last Monday in an FBI sweep that nabbed 11 suspected Russian spies who lived quiet suburban lives around the U.S.

Lindsay Lohan Fingernail Painted:Finger Tattoo

Lindsay Lohan Fingernail Painted:Finger Tattoo Says FU – Lindsay Lohan arrived in court with the message “f— u” painted on her fingernail. Some have speculated that painting the words on her fingernail may have impacted her sentence, although her lawyers have said that they do not believe it did. The move was certainly a bad one, and she should have thought twice before putting the paint on.

Lohan was sentenced to 90 days in jail, followed by 90 days of rehab. The “Mean Girls” star violated her probation from a 2007 DUI case when she missed 7 weekly alcohol education classes that she had been ordered to take. Close-ups of the actress in the court room showed the message painted on her fingernails. Free speech is a right that all possess in the United States, but it is clear that Lohan has no idea when it is appropriate to speak her mind and when to shut up. It is not clear if she arrived in the court room with the words written onto her fingernails, or if she wrote it herself during the session.

Lohan is certainly not the first high-profile celebrity that will be going to jail for DUI-related offenses, and she will not be the last. You may remember when her ex BFF Paris Hilton spent time in jail following a DUI charge.

“You should have respect for the forum. It’s unclear who it was meant for, but the judge is a logical person and not vindictive. So whatever the judge’s decisions are, they should have to do with the violations,” said attorney Stacey Richman who defended rapper Lil Wayne in his gun case. Wayne was sentenced to a year in prison.

jared dudley twitter

From what I have seen on the Twitter, Jared Dudley and Chad Ochocinco have stated that Lebron James is headed to the Empire State City to join Amare Stoudemire and they say they have valuable sources, if it is true then there probably is no reason to hold the press conference that he is planing to have with ESPN. If the King is set to move to the Big Apple then this could have a big impact for New York basketball, also considering Chris Duhon has left, the Knicks are in the hunt for a point guard and they have contact former UNC star Raymond Felton who was drafted by the Bobcats in 5 overall in the 2005 NBA Draft. If everything goes to according to plan this New York team I believe will make a power shift in the East with just one off-season.

Phoenix Suns Forward Jared Dudley got on Twitter to announce that LeBron James would elect to go to the NY Knicks! That's right. The Chosen One, called "King James" by some and "Queen James" by others is reportedly set to become a New York Knicks player.

That LeBron would pick the Knicks over his current team the Cleveland Cavaliers comes as no surprise since the NY Knicks added Amare Stoudemire Monday. Stoudemire, who signed a five-year, $100 million deal, is a now-former teammate with Jared Dudley and may have been his source for the LeBron to New York news.

But the Knicks having Amare Stoudemire would seem to cancel the need for LeBron. Indeed, according to ESPN, James' representatives were seeking "clarity" on what the Knicks intended to do just before they signed Amare. Last Thursday, the Knicks told LeBron James he could pick the big man he wanted to team with should he come to New York; one of those players was LeBron James.

Matilda Jane sale – massive discounts on girls clothing

We all love a good bargain and sales attract many of us. We also know just how expensive it can be to keep the kids kitted out in beautiful children wear. However an opportunity begins today that is too good to be missed.

Popular girls’ clothing store, Matilda Jane, begins their online sale today July 7, running through till July 21. An article by Eric Uhlir on tells us that the sale includes discounts of up to 40% on many of its lines. Mary Jane clothing is good quality and now it’s also much cheaper than usual so why not take a look.

Another article by Sheri Reed on says the Matilda Jane website is receiving a lot of traffic so do try to be patient. There are also some great pictures here of the type of clothing bargains available.

Do check it out as this is quite a sale with huge discounts worth having. Do you shop at Matilda Jane usually? Will you be checking out the online sale? Let us know if you find any great bargains.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Padora Radio: Ford automobile room

If you are looking to purchase a Ford automobile, now may be the time. It was recently announced that the Pandora radio service is collaborating with Ford to hopefully offer the service in new model vehicles later this year. No specific details on the agreement have been released, but analysts and insiders sound optimistic about a deal being reached. Tim Westergren was the first to make such an announcement. It has been stated that the Pandora radio system would be available in Ford cars through voice activation. For those unfamiliar with the service, Pandora allows users to customize the radio to their own preferences. The idea is to have the radio stations playback in response to a listener’s desired genre and style of music. In addition, most radio stations on the service are commercial free or play with just limited commercials. With many users purchasing Digital XM Radio, it makes sense that Pandora would offer a type of service compatible in Ford automobiles.

There has been a little bit of talk previously about Pandora and their product working on the Ford Sync program. Now it has been officially announced by Tim Westergren that Pandora is in fact working with Ford on offering their service throughout the Ford range of vehicle, which will be available later in the year.

The Pandora radio streaming service will be offered in Ford vehicles via a voice activated command option. The driver will be able to hope into the car and it will detect that you have a mobile device via bluetooth. Drivers will also have a dashboard control which they can use instead of the voice activated controls.

The aim is to provide listeners with a radio station that is based around their personal tastes (radio 2.0). If I was an owner of radio stations, then I would be trying to run an online version and gain some traction before Pandora and others take your whole market.